Code Review

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 Total number of results: 25
Revision Status Comments Path Commit summary Author Date
434 new - Move glRenderer to glDirectDraw7 class.... admin 22:47, 20 April 2014
386 new -
Add support for sampler objects.... admin 01:31, 24 June 2013
384 new - Use EXT_direct_state_access to load matrices. admin 21:56, 9 June 2013
369 new - Use a dedicated FBO for each surface that is rendered to, per recommendation ... admin 16:12, 28 April 2013
327 new - Remove broken texcoord wrap optimization.... admin 17:03, 17 February 2013
310 new - Add flat shading. admin 19:17, 13 January 2013
301 new -
Fix various Code Analysis warnings. admin 23:19, 10 January 2013
300 new - Add polygon fill modes. (currently broken)... admin 02:41, 5 January 2013
259 new - Update D3D caps.... admin 10:07, 7 September 2012
244 new -
Major rewrite of texture management to support future texture upload methods.... admin 15:45, 26 August 2012
239 new -
Add D3D Alpha Blending.... admin 21:16, 12 August 2012
237 new - Cache 2D shader vertex attributes admin 17:40, 12 August 2012
229 new - Eliminate redundant clear state changes. admin 00:35, 6 August 2012
216 new - Eliminate redundancies in glViewport, glDepthRange, and glMaterial calls.... admin 19:38, 15 July 2012
215 new - Move matrices to gl_ModelViewMartix and gl_ProjectionMatrix... admin 18:06, 15 July 2012
197 new - Support clearing rects. admin 15:08, 4 July 2012
180 new - Fix another mistake and add depth write state. admin 17:51, 24 June 2012
178 new - Add depth testing admin 17:48, 24 June 2012
177 new - Add Z compare function admin 18:59, 23 June 2012
137 new -
Fill in texture stages in fragment shader.... admin 21:56, 15 April 2012
135 new - Add basic texcoords to vertex shader admin 13:18, 14 April 2012
111 new - Fix EXT_framebuffer_object compatibility admin 02:52, 4 March 2012
80 new - Clean up GL objects on shutdown admin 02:38, 17 January 2012
75 new - Begin adding vertex array support... admin 20:16, 14 January 2012
74 new - Add Clear, BeginScene, and EndScene admin 17:51, 8 January 2012
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