DXGL r329 - Code Review

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Revision:r328‎ | r329 | r330 >
Date:20:33, 18 February 2013
Somewhat fix D3D2 transformation.
Add software Directional lights.
Modified paths:
  • /ddraw/glDirect3DDevice.cpp (modified) (history)
  • /ddraw/glDirect3DDevice.h (modified) (history)
  • /ddraw/glDirect3DViewport.cpp (modified) (history)
  • /ddraw/shadergen.cpp (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: ddraw/glDirect3DDevice.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
3131 #include "glDirect3DLight.h"
3232 #include "glDirect3DExecuteBuffer.h"
3333 #include <string>
 34+#include <cmath>
3435 using namespace std;
3536 #include "shadergen.h"
3637 #include "glutil.h"
@@ -356,6 +357,8 @@
357358 d3ddesc.dwMaxTextureRepeat = d3ddesc.dwMaxTextureAspectRatio = renderer->gl_caps.TextureMax;
358359 d3ddesc3.dwMaxTextureWidth = d3ddesc3.dwMaxTextureHeight =
359360 d3ddesc3.dwMaxTextureRepeat = d3ddesc3.dwMaxTextureAspectRatio = renderer->gl_caps.TextureMax;
 361+ scalex = scaley = 0;
 362+ mhWorld = mhView = mhProjection = 0;
360363 renderer->InitD3D(zbuffer);
361364 error = D3D_OK;
362365 }
@@ -1937,7 +1940,10 @@
19381941 if(!d3dMatHandle) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS;
19391942 if(d3dMatHandle >= matrixcount) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS;
19401943 if(!matrices[d3dMatHandle].active) return D3DERR_MATRIX_SETDATA_FAILED;
1941 - memcpy(&matrices[d3dMatHandle],lpD3DMatrix,sizeof(D3DMATRIX));
 1944+ memcpy(&matrices[d3dMatHandle].matrix,lpD3DMatrix,sizeof(D3DMATRIX));
 1945+ if(d3dMatHandle == mhWorld) SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD,lpD3DMatrix);
 1946+ if(d3dMatHandle == mhView) SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW,lpD3DMatrix);
 1947+ if(d3dMatHandle == mhProjection) SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_PROJECTION,lpD3DMatrix);
19421948 return D3D_OK;
19431949 }
@@ -1979,19 +1985,8 @@
19801986 void glDirect3DDevice7::UpdateTransform()
19811987 {
19821988 GLfloat mat1[16];
1983 - GLfloat mat2[16];
1984 - GLfloat matViewport[16];
19851989 __gluMultMatricesf(matWorld,matView,mat1);
1986 - __gluMultMatricesf(mat1,matProjection,mat2);
1987 - matViewport[1] = matViewport[2] = matViewport[3] = matViewport[4] = matViewport[6] = matViewport[7] =
1988 - matViewport[8] = matViewport[9] = matViewport[11] = matViewport[15] = 0;
1989 - matViewport[0] = (GLfloat)viewport.dwWidth / 2.0f;
1990 - matViewport[5] = (GLfloat)viewport.dwHeight / 2.0f;
1991 - matViewport[10] = (viewport.dvMaxZ - viewport.dvMinZ) / 2.0f;
1992 - matViewport[12] = (GLfloat)viewport.dwX + ((GLfloat)viewport.dwWidth / 2.0f);
1993 - matViewport[13] = (GLfloat)viewport.dwY + ((GLfloat)viewport.dwHeight / 2.0f);
1994 - matViewport[14] = (viewport.dvMinZ + viewport.dvMaxZ) / 2.0f;
1995 - __gluMultMatricesf(mat2,matViewport,matTransform);
 1990+ __gluMultMatricesf(mat1,matProjection,matTransform);
19961991 transform_dirty = false;
19971992 }
@@ -2014,9 +2009,92 @@
20152010 if((LONG)maxY > extents->y2) extents->y2 = (LONG)maxY;
20162011 }
 2013+inline void glDirect3DDevice7::TransformViewport(D3DTLVERTEX *vertex)
 2015+ vertex->dvSX = vertex->dvSX / vertex->dvRHW * scalex + viewport.dwX + viewport.dwWidth / 2;
 2016+ vertex->dvSY = vertex->dvSY / vertex->dvRHW * scaley + viewport.dwY + viewport.dwHeight / 2;
 2017+ vertex->dvSZ /= vertex->dvRHW;
 2018+ vertex->dvRHW = 1 / vertex->dvRHW;
 2021+// function from project.c from Mesa source code. See matrix.cpp for license.
 2022+static void normalize(float v[3])
 2024+ float r;
 2026+ r = sqrt( v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2] );
 2027+ if (r == 0.0) return;
 2029+ v[0] /= r;
 2030+ v[1] /= r;
 2031+ v[2] /= r;
 2034+inline void AddD3DCV(D3DCOLORVALUE *dest, D3DCOLORVALUE *src)
 2036+ dest->r += src->r;
 2037+ dest->g += src->g;
 2038+ dest->b += src->b;
 2039+ dest->a += src->a;
 2042+inline void MulD3DCV(D3DCOLORVALUE *dest, D3DCOLORVALUE *src)
 2044+ dest->r *= src->r;
 2045+ dest->g *= src->g;
 2046+ dest->b *= src->b;
 2047+ dest->a *= src->a;
 2050+inline void MulD3DCVFloat(D3DCOLORVALUE *dest, float src)
 2052+ dest->r *= src;
 2053+ dest->g *= src;
 2054+ dest->b *= src;
 2055+ dest->a *= src;
 2058+inline void NegativeVec3(float v[3])
 2060+ v[0] = -v[0];
 2061+ v[1] = -v[1];
 2062+ v[2] = -v[2];
 2065+inline void SubVec3(float dest[3], float src[3])
 2067+ dest[0] -= src[0];
 2068+ dest[1] -= src[1];
 2069+ dest[2] -= src[2];
 2072+inline void AddVec3(float dest[3], float src[3])
 2074+ dest[0] += src[0];
 2075+ dest[1] += src[1];
 2076+ dest[2] += src[2];
 2079+inline float dot3(float a[3], float b[3])
 2081+ return (a[0]*b[0])+(a[1]*b[1])+(a[2]*b[2]);
20182084 INT glDirect3DDevice7::TransformAndLight(D3DTLVERTEX **output, DWORD *outsize, D3DVERTEX *input, WORD start, WORD dest, DWORD count, D3DRECT *extents)
20192085 {
2020 - GLfloat in[4];
 2086+ D3DVALUE dir[3];
 2087+ D3DVALUE eye[3] = {0.0,0.0,1.0};
 2088+ D3DVALUE P[4];
 2089+ D3DVALUE L[4];
 2090+ D3DVALUE V[4];
 2091+ D3DVALUE in[4];
 2092+ D3DCOLORVALUE ambient;
 2093+ D3DCOLORVALUE diffuse;
 2094+ D3DCOLORVALUE specular;
 2095+ D3DCOLORVALUE color1;
 2096+ D3DCOLORVALUE color2;
 2097+ D3DVALUE NdotHV;
 2098+ D3DVALUE NdotL;
20212099 in[3] = 1.0f;
20222100 if(transform_dirty) UpdateTransform();
20232101 if(*outsize < (dest+count)*sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX))
@@ -2032,10 +2110,72 @@
20332111 in[1] = input[i+start].dvY;
20342112 in[2] = input[i+start].dvZ;
20352113 __gluMultMatrixVecf(matTransform,in,&(*output)[i+dest].dvSX);
 2114+ TransformViewport(&(*output)[i+dest]);
20362115 (*output)[i+dest].dvRHW = 1.0f/(*output)[i+dest].dvRHW;
2037 - // Do lighting
20382116 (*output)[i+dest].dvTU = input[i+start].dvTU;
20392117 (*output)[i+dest].dvTV = input[i+start].dvTV;
 2118+ diffuse.r = diffuse.g = diffuse.b = diffuse.a = 0;
 2119+ specular.r = specular.g = specular.b = specular.a = 0;
 2120+ ambient.r = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETRED(renderstate[D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENT]) / 255.0;
 2121+ ambient.g = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETGREEN(renderstate[D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENT]) / 255.0;
 2122+ ambient.b = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETBLUE(renderstate[D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENT]) / 255.0;
 2123+ ambient.a = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETALPHA(renderstate[D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENT]) / 255.0;
 2124+ for(int l = 0; l < 8; l++)
 2125+ {
 2126+ if(gllights[l] != -1)
 2127+ {
 2128+ switch(lights[gllights[l]]->light.dltType)
 2129+ {
 2131+ NdotHV = 0;
 2132+ memcpy(dir,&lights[gllights[l]]->light.dvDirection,3*sizeof(D3DVALUE));
 2133+ normalize(dir);
 2134+ AddD3DCV(&ambient,&lights[gllights[l]]->light.dcvAmbient);
 2135+ NdotL = max(dot3((float*)&input[i+start].dvNX,(float*)&dir),0.0f);
 2136+ color1 = lights[gllights[l]]->light.dcvDiffuse;
 2137+ MulD3DCVFloat(&color1,NdotL);
 2138+ AddD3DCV(&diffuse,&color1);
 2139+ if((NdotL > 0.0) && (material.dvPower != 0.0))
 2140+ {
 2141+ __gluMultMatrixVecf(matWorld,&input[i+start].dvX,P);
 2142+ memcpy(L ,&lights[gllights[l]]->light.dvDirection,3*sizeof(D3DVALUE));
 2143+ NegativeVec3(L);
 2144+ SubVec3(L,P);
 2145+ normalize(L);
 2146+ memcpy(V,eye,3*sizeof(D3DVALUE));
 2147+ SubVec3(V,P);
 2148+ normalize(V);
 2149+ AddVec3(L,V);
 2150+ NdotHV = max(dot3((float*)&input[i+start].dvNX,L),0.0f);
 2151+ color1 = lights[gllights[l]]->light.dcvSpecular;
 2152+ MulD3DCVFloat(&color1,pow(NdotHV,material.dvPower));
 2153+ AddD3DCV(&specular,&color1);
 2154+ }
 2155+ break;
 2156+ case D3DLIGHT_POINT:
 2157+ break;
 2158+ case D3DLIGHT_SPOT:
 2159+ break;
 2161+ break;
 2162+ case D3DLIGHT_GLSPOT:
 2163+ break;
 2164+ default:
 2165+ break;
 2166+ }
 2167+ }
 2168+ color1 = material.dcvDiffuse;
 2169+ MulD3DCV(&color1,&diffuse);
 2170+ color2 = material.dcvAmbient;
 2171+ MulD3DCV(&color2,&ambient);
 2172+ AddD3DCV(&color1,&color2);
 2173+ AddD3DCV(&color1,&material.dcvEmissive);
 2174+ color2 = material.dcvSpecular;
 2175+ MulD3DCV(&color2,&specular);
 2176+ AddD3DCV(&color1,&color2);
 2177+ (*output)[i+dest].dcColor = D3DRGBA(color1.r,color1.g,color1.b,color1.a);
 2178+ (*output)[i+dest].dcSpecular = D3DRGBA(color2.r,color2.g,color2.b,color2.a);
 2179+ }
20402180 }
20412181 if(extents) CalculateExtents(extents,*output,count);
20422182 return 0;
@@ -2058,6 +2198,7 @@
20592199 in[1] = input[i+start].dvY;
20602200 in[2] = input[i+start].dvZ;
20612201 __gluMultMatrixVecf(matTransform,in,&(*output)[i+dest].dvSX);
 2202+ TransformViewport(&(*output)[i+dest]);
20622203 (*output)[i+dest].dvRHW = 1.0f/(*output)[i+dest].dvRHW;
20632204 (*output)[i+dest].dcColor = 0xFFFFFFFF;
20642205 (*output)[i+dest].dcSpecular = 0;
@@ -2085,6 +2226,7 @@
20862227 in[1] = input[i+start].dvY;
20872228 in[2] = input[i+start].dvZ;
20882229 __gluMultMatrixVecf(matTransform,in,&(*output)[i+dest].dvSX);
 2230+ TransformViewport(&(*output)[i+dest]);
20892231 (*output)[i+dest].dvRHW = 1.0f/(*output)[i+dest].dvRHW;
20902232 (*output)[i+dest].dcColor = input[i+start].dcColor;
20912233 (*output)[i+dest].dcSpecular = input[i+start].dcSpecular;
@@ -2245,6 +2387,20 @@
22462388 {
22472389 GetMatrix(((D3DSTATE*)opptr)->dwArg[0],&mat1);
22482390 SetTransform(((D3DSTATE*)opptr)->dtstTransformStateType,&mat1);
 2391+ switch(((D3DSTATE*)opptr)->dtstTransformStateType)
 2392+ {
 2394+ mhWorld = ((D3DSTATE*)opptr)->dwArg[0];
 2395+ break;
 2397+ mhView = ((D3DSTATE*)opptr)->dwArg[0];
 2398+ break;
 2400+ mhProjection = ((D3DSTATE*)opptr)->dwArg[0];
 2401+ break;
 2402+ default:
 2403+ break;
 2404+ }
22492405 opptr += instruction->bSize;
22502406 }
22512407 break;
@@ -2309,6 +2465,7 @@
23102466 else TransformAndLight((D3DTLVERTEX**)&outbuffer,&outbuffersize,(D3DVERTEX*)in_vertptr,((D3DPROCESSVERTICES*)opptr)->wStart,
23112467 ((D3DPROCESSVERTICES*)opptr)->wDest,((D3DPROCESSVERTICES*)opptr)->dwCount,&data.dsStatus.drExtent);
23122468 }
 2469+ break;
23152472 CopyVertices((D3DTLVERTEX**)&outbuffer,&outbuffersize,(D3DTLVERTEX*)in_vertptr,((D3DPROCESSVERTICES*)opptr)->wStart,
Index: ddraw/glDirect3DDevice.h
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@
163163 HRESULT GetPickRecords(LPDWORD lpCount, LPD3DPICKRECORD lpD3DPickRec);
164164 HRESULT Pick(LPDIRECT3DEXECUTEBUFFER lpDirect3DExecuteBuffer, LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT lpDirect3DViewport, DWORD dwFlags,
165165 LPD3DRECT lpRect);
 166+ inline void TransformViewport(D3DTLVERTEX *vertex);
166167 INT TransformAndLight(D3DTLVERTEX **output, DWORD *outsize, D3DVERTEX *input, WORD start, WORD dest, DWORD count, D3DRECT *extents);
167168 INT TransformOnly(D3DTLVERTEX **output, DWORD *outsize, D3DVERTEX *input, WORD start, WORD dest, DWORD count, D3DRECT *extents);
168169 INT TransformOnly(D3DTLVERTEX **output, DWORD *outsize, D3DLVERTEX *input, WORD start, WORD dest, DWORD count, D3DRECT *extents);
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
170171 void UpdateTransform();
171172 void InitDX5();
172173 __int64 SelectShader(GLVERTEX *VertexType);
 174+ void SetScale(D3DVALUE x, D3DVALUE y){scalex = x; scaley = y;}
173175 GLfloat matWorld[16];
174176 GLfloat matView[16];
175177 GLfloat matProjection[16];
@@ -223,6 +225,11 @@
224226 DWORD ebBufferSize;
225227 unsigned char *outbuffer;
226228 DWORD outbuffersize;
 229+ D3DVALUE scalex;
 230+ D3DVALUE scaley;
 231+ D3DMATRIXHANDLE mhWorld;
 233+ D3DMATRIXHANDLE mhProjection;
227234 };
229236 #endif //__GLDIRECT3DDEVICE_H
Index: ddraw/glDirect3DViewport.cpp
@@ -294,6 +294,8 @@
295295 vp.dvClipX = viewport.dvClipX;
296296 vp.dvClipY = viewport.dvClipY;
297297 viewport = vp;
 298+ scaleX = lpData->dvScaleX;
 299+ scaleY = lpData->dvScaleY;
298300 if(current && device) Sync();
299301 return D3D_OK;
300302 }
@@ -334,6 +336,7 @@
335337 vp7.dvMinZ = viewport.dvMinZ;
336338 vp7.dvMaxZ = viewport.dvMaxZ;
337339 device->SetViewport(&vp7);
 340+ device->SetScale(scaleX,scaleY);
338341 }
340343 void glDirect3DViewport3::SyncLights()
Index: ddraw/shadergen.cpp
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
281281 gl_Position = vec4(pos.x,-pos.y,pos.z,pos.w);\n";
282282 static const char op_normalize[] = "N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix*nxyz);\n";
283283 static const char op_normalpassthru[] = "N = gl_NormalMatrix*nxyz;\n";
284 -static const char op_passthru[] = "gl_Position = vec4(((xyz.x/rhw)/(width/2.0))-1.0,((xyz.y/rhw)/(height/2.0))-1.0,(xyz.z/rhw),1.0/rhw);\n";
 284+static const char op_passthru[] = "gl_Position = vec4(((xyz.x)/(width/2.0))-1.0,((xyz.y)/(height/2.0))-1.0,(xyz.z),1.0);\n";
285285 static const char op_resetcolor[] = "diffuse = specular = vec4(0.0);\n\
286286 ambient = ambientcolor / 255.0;\n";
287287 static const char op_dirlight[] = "DirLight(lightX);\n";