DXGL r443 - Code Review

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Revision:r442‎ | r443 | r444 >
Date:22:47, 17 May 2014
Convert buildtool to C.
Modified paths:
  • /buildtool/buildtool.c (added) (history)
  • /buildtool/buildtool.cpp (deleted) (history)
  • /buildtool/buildtool.vcxproj (modified) (history)
  • /buildtool/buildtool.vcxproj.filters (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: buildtool/buildtool.cpp
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
2 -// DXGL
3 -// Copyright (C) 2012-2013 William Feely
4 -
5 -// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 -// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 -// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 -// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 -
10 -// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 -// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 -// Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 -
15 -// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 -// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 -// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18 -
20 -#include <cstdio>
21 -#include <iostream>
22 -#include <windows.h>
23 -#include "../common/releasever.h"
24 -
25 -using namespace std;
26 -
27 -int GetSVNRev(char *path)
28 -{
29 - char pathbase[FILENAME_MAX+1];
30 - char pathin[FILENAME_MAX+1];
31 - char pathout[FILENAME_MAX+1];
32 - strncpy(pathbase,path,FILENAME_MAX);
33 - strncpy(pathin,path,FILENAME_MAX);
34 - pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
35 - strncpy(pathout,path,FILENAME_MAX);
36 - pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
37 - pathbase[strlen(pathbase)-7] = 0;
38 - strncat(pathin,"\\rev.in",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
39 - pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
40 - strncat(pathout,"\\rev",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
41 - pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
42 - HKEY hKey;
43 - char svnpath[(MAX_PATH+1)*4];
44 - bool foundsvn = false;
45 - DWORD buffersize = MAX_PATH+1;
46 - if(RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\TortoiseSVN",0,KEY_READ,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
47 - {
48 - if(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Directory",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)svnpath,&buffersize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
49 - {
50 - foundsvn = true;
51 - strcat(svnpath,"bin\\subwcrev.exe ");
52 - strcat(svnpath,pathbase);
53 - strcat(svnpath," ");
54 - strcat(svnpath,pathin);
55 - strcat(svnpath," ");
56 - strcat(svnpath,pathout);
57 - STARTUPINFOA startinfo;
58 - ZeroMemory(&startinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
59 - startinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
61 - cout << svnpath << endl;
62 - if(CreateProcessA(NULL,svnpath,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&startinfo,&process))
63 - {
64 - WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess,INFINITE);
65 - CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
66 - CloseHandle(process.hThread);
67 - FILE *revfile = fopen(pathout,"r");
68 - if(!revfile)
69 - {
70 - cout << "WARNING: Failed to create revision file" << endl;
71 - RegCloseKey(hKey);
72 - return 0;
73 - }
74 - char revstring[32];
75 - fgets(revstring,32,revfile);
76 - fclose(revfile);
77 - RegCloseKey(hKey);
78 - return atoi(revstring);
79 - }
80 - else foundsvn = false;
81 - }
82 - RegCloseKey(hKey);
83 - }
84 - if(!foundsvn)
85 - {
86 - int result = MessageBoxA(NULL,"Could not find subwcrev.exe, would you like to download TortoiseSVN?","TortoiseSVN not found",
88 - if(result == IDYES)
89 - {
90 - cout << "ERROR: Please try again after installing TortoiseSVN." << endl;
91 - ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open","http://tortoisesvn.net/",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);
92 - exit(-1);
93 - }
94 - else return 0;
95 - }
96 - return 0;
97 -}
98 -
99 -int ProcessHeaders(char *path)
100 -{
101 - char pathin[FILENAME_MAX+1];
102 - char pathout[FILENAME_MAX+1];
103 - char buffer[1024];
104 - char verbuffer[20];
105 - char numstring[16];
106 - char *findptr;
107 - int revision = GetSVNRev(path);
108 - strncpy(pathin,path,FILENAME_MAX);
109 - pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
110 - strncpy(pathout,path,FILENAME_MAX);
111 - pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
112 - strncat(pathin,"\\version.h.in",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
113 - pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
114 - strncat(pathout,"\\version.h",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
115 - pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
116 - FILE *filein = fopen(pathin,"r");
117 - if(!filein)
118 - {
119 - cout << "ERROR: Cannot read file " << pathin << endl;
120 - return errno;
121 - }
122 - FILE *fileout = fopen(pathout,"w");
123 - if(!fileout)
124 - {
125 - cout << "ERROR: Cannot create file " << pathin << endl;
126 - return errno;
127 - }
128 - while(fgets(buffer,1024,filein))
129 - {
130 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$MAJOR");
131 - if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,STR(DXGLMAJORVER) "\n",6);
132 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$MINOR");
133 - if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,STR(DXGLMINORVER) "\n",6);
134 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$POINT");
135 - if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,STR(DXGLPOINTVER) "\n",6);
136 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$REVISION");
137 - if(findptr)
138 - {
139 - _itoa(revision,verbuffer,10);
140 - strcat(verbuffer,"\n");
141 - strncpy(findptr,verbuffer,9);
142 - }
143 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$VERSTRING");
144 - if(findptr)
145 - {
146 - if(revision)
147 - {
148 - strcpy(verbuffer, "\"");
149 - strcat(verbuffer,DXGLSTRVER);
150 - strcat(verbuffer," r");
151 - _itoa(revision,numstring,10);
152 - strcat(verbuffer,numstring);
153 - strcat(verbuffer,"\"");
154 - strncpy(findptr,verbuffer,22);
155 - }
156 - else strncpy(findptr,"\"" DXGLSTRVER "\"\n",15);
157 - }
158 - fputs(buffer,fileout);
159 - }
160 - fclose(filein);
161 - filein = NULL;
162 - fclose(fileout);
163 - fileout = NULL;
164 - strncpy(pathin,path,FILENAME_MAX);
165 - pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
166 - strncpy(pathout,path,FILENAME_MAX);
167 - pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
168 - strncat(pathin,"\\version.nsh.in",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
169 - pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
170 - strncat(pathout,"\\version.nsh",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
171 - pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
172 - filein = fopen(pathin,"r");
173 - if(!filein)
174 - {
175 - cout << "ERROR: Cannot read file " << pathin << endl;
176 - return errno;
177 - }
178 - fileout = fopen(pathout,"w");
179 - if(!fileout)
180 - {
181 - cout << "ERROR: Cannot create file " << pathin << endl;
182 - return errno;
183 - }
184 - while(fgets(buffer,1024,filein))
185 - {
186 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$PRODUCTVERSTRING");
187 - if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,"\"" DXGLSTRVER "\"\n",15);
188 - findptr = strstr(buffer,"$PRODUCTREVISION");
189 - if(findptr)
190 - {
191 - if(revision)
192 - {
193 - strcpy(verbuffer,"\"");
194 - _itoa(revision,numstring,10);
195 - strcat(verbuffer,numstring);
196 - strcat(verbuffer,"\"\n");
197 - strncpy(findptr,verbuffer,17);
198 - }
199 - else strncpy(findptr,"\"\"\n",17);
200 - }
201 -#ifdef _DEBUG
202 - if(strstr(buffer,";!define _DEBUG")) strcpy(buffer,"!define _DEBUG");
203 -#endif
204 - fputs(buffer,fileout);
205 - }
206 - fclose(filein);
207 - filein = NULL;
208 - fclose(fileout);
209 - fileout = NULL;
210 - return 0;
211 -}
212 -
213 -int MakeHelp(char *path)
214 -{
215 - HKEY hKey;
216 - bool foundhhc = false;
217 - char hhcpath[(MAX_PATH+1)*2];
218 - DWORD buffersize = MAX_PATH+1;
219 - if(RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software\\Microsoft\\HTML Help Workshop",0,KEY_READ,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
220 - {
221 - if(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"InstallDir",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)hhcpath,&buffersize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
222 - {
223 - strcat(hhcpath,"\\hhc.exe");
225 - STARTUPINFOA startinfo;
226 - ZeroMemory(&startinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
227 - startinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);
228 - strcat(hhcpath," ");
229 - strcat(hhcpath,path);
230 - if(CreateProcessA(NULL,hhcpath,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&startinfo,&process))
231 - {
232 - foundhhc = true;
233 - WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess,INFINITE);
234 - CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
235 - CloseHandle(process.hThread);
236 - }
237 - }
238 - RegCloseKey(hKey);
239 - }
240 - if(!foundhhc)
241 - {
242 - int result = MessageBoxA(NULL,"Could not find HTML Help Workshop, would you like to download it?","HTML Help Workshop not found",
244 - if(result == IDYES) ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open", "http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21138"
246 - cout << "ERROR: HTML Help Compiler not found." << endl;
247 - return -1;
248 - }
249 - return 0;
250 -}
251 -
252 -int MakeInstaller(char *path)
253 -{
254 - HKEY hKey;
255 - bool foundnsis = false;
256 - char nsispath[(MAX_PATH+1)*2];
257 - DWORD buffersize = MAX_PATH+1;
258 - if(RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\NSIS",0,KEY_READ,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
259 - {
260 - if(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)nsispath,&buffersize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
261 - {
262 - strcat(nsispath,"\\makensis.exe");
264 - STARTUPINFOA startinfo;
265 - ZeroMemory(&startinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
266 - startinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);
267 - strcat(nsispath," ");
268 - strcat(nsispath,path);
269 - if(CreateProcessA(NULL,nsispath,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&startinfo,&process))
270 - {
271 - foundnsis = true;
272 - WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess,INFINITE);
273 - CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
274 - CloseHandle(process.hThread);
275 - }
276 - }
277 - RegCloseKey(hKey);
278 - }
279 - if(!foundnsis)
280 - {
281 - int result = MessageBoxA(NULL,"Could not find NSIS, would you like to download it?","NSIS not found",
283 - if(result == IDYES) ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open","http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);
284 - cout << "ERROR: NSIS not found." << endl;
285 - return -1;
286 - }
287 - return 0;
288 -}
289 -
290 -
291 -int main(int argc, char *argv[])
292 -{
293 -
294 - cout << "DXGL Build Tool, version " << DXGLSTRVER << endl;
295 -#ifdef _DEBUG
296 - cout << "Debug version." << endl;
297 -#endif
298 - if(argc > 1)
299 - {
300 - if(!strcmp(argv[1],"makeheader"))
301 - {
302 - if(argc < 3)
303 - {
304 - cout << "ERROR: No working directory specified." << endl;
305 - return 1;
306 - }
307 - return ProcessHeaders(argv[2]);
308 - }
309 - if(!strcmp(argv[1],"makehelp"))
310 - {
311 - if(argc < 3)
312 - {
313 - cout << "ERROR: No working directory specified." << endl;
314 - return 1;
315 - }
316 - return MakeHelp(argv[2]);
317 - }
318 - if(!strcmp(argv[1],"makeinstaller"))
319 - {
320 - if(argc < 3)
321 - {
322 - cout << "ERROR: No working directory specified." << endl;
323 - return 1;
324 - }
325 - return MakeInstaller(argv[2]);
326 - }
327 - }
328 - else
329 - {
330 - }
331 - return 0;
332 -}
Index: buildtool/buildtool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
 2+// DXGL
 3+// Copyright (C) 2012-2013 William Feely
 5+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 6+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 7+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 8+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 10+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 11+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 13+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
 15+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 16+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 17+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 20+#include <stdio.h>
 21+#include <windows.h>
 22+#include "../common/releasever.h"
 25+int GetSVNRev(char *path)
 27+ char pathbase[FILENAME_MAX+1];
 28+ char pathin[FILENAME_MAX+1];
 29+ char pathout[FILENAME_MAX+1];
 30+ HKEY hKey;
 31+ BOOL foundsvn = FALSE;
 32+ char svnpath[(MAX_PATH + 1) * 4];
 33+ DWORD buffersize = MAX_PATH + 1;
 34+ STARTUPINFOA startinfo;
 36+ FILE *revfile;
 37+ char revstring[32];
 38+ strncpy(pathbase, path, FILENAME_MAX);
 39+ strncpy(pathin,path,FILENAME_MAX);
 40+ pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 41+ strncpy(pathout,path,FILENAME_MAX);
 42+ pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 43+ pathbase[strlen(pathbase)-7] = 0;
 44+ strncat(pathin,"\\rev.in",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
 45+ pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 46+ strncat(pathout,"\\rev",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
 47+ pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 48+ if(RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\TortoiseSVN",0,KEY_READ,&hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
 49+ {
 50+ if(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Directory",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)svnpath,&buffersize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
 51+ {
 52+ foundsvn = TRUE;
 53+ strcat(svnpath,"bin\\subwcrev.exe ");
 54+ strcat(svnpath,pathbase);
 55+ strcat(svnpath," ");
 56+ strcat(svnpath,pathin);
 57+ strcat(svnpath," ");
 58+ strcat(svnpath,pathout);
 59+ ZeroMemory(&startinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
 60+ startinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
 61+ puts(svnpath);
 62+ if(CreateProcessA(NULL,svnpath,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&startinfo,&process))
 63+ {
 64+ WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess,INFINITE);
 65+ CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
 66+ CloseHandle(process.hThread);
 67+ revfile = fopen(pathout,"r");
 68+ if(!revfile)
 69+ {
 70+ puts("WARNING: Failed to create revision file");
 71+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
 72+ return 0;
 73+ }
 74+ fgets(revstring,32,revfile);
 75+ fclose(revfile);
 76+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
 77+ return atoi(revstring);
 78+ }
 79+ else foundsvn = FALSE;
 80+ }
 81+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
 82+ }
 83+ if(!foundsvn)
 84+ {
 85+ int result = MessageBoxA(NULL,"Could not find subwcrev.exe, would you like to download TortoiseSVN?","TortoiseSVN not found",
 87+ if(result == IDYES)
 88+ {
 89+ puts("ERROR: Please try again after installing TortoiseSVN.");
 90+ ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open","http://tortoisesvn.net/",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);
 91+ exit(-1);
 92+ }
 93+ else return 0;
 94+ }
 95+ return 0;
 98+int ProcessHeaders(char *path)
 100+ char pathin[FILENAME_MAX+1];
 101+ char pathout[FILENAME_MAX+1];
 102+ char buffer[1024];
 103+ char verbuffer[20];
 104+ char numstring[16];
 105+ char *findptr;
 106+ FILE *filein;
 107+ FILE *fileout;
 108+ int revision = GetSVNRev(path);
 109+ strncpy(pathin,path,FILENAME_MAX);
 110+ pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 111+ strncpy(pathout,path,FILENAME_MAX);
 112+ pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 113+ strncat(pathin,"\\version.h.in",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
 114+ pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 115+ strncat(pathout,"\\version.h",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
 116+ pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 117+ filein = fopen(pathin,"r");
 118+ if(!filein)
 119+ {
 120+ fputs("ERROR: Cannot read file ", stdout);
 121+ puts(pathin);
 122+ return errno;
 123+ }
 124+ fileout = fopen(pathout,"w");
 125+ if(!fileout)
 126+ {
 127+ fputs("ERROR: Cannot create file ", stdout);
 128+ puts(pathin);
 129+ return errno;
 130+ }
 131+ while(fgets(buffer,1024,filein))
 132+ {
 133+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$MAJOR");
 134+ if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,STR(DXGLMAJORVER) "\n",6);
 135+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$MINOR");
 136+ if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,STR(DXGLMINORVER) "\n",6);
 137+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$POINT");
 138+ if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,STR(DXGLPOINTVER) "\n",6);
 139+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$REVISION");
 140+ if(findptr)
 141+ {
 142+ _itoa(revision,verbuffer,10);
 143+ strcat(verbuffer,"\n");
 144+ strncpy(findptr,verbuffer,9);
 145+ }
 146+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$VERSTRING");
 147+ if(findptr)
 148+ {
 149+ if(revision)
 150+ {
 151+ strcpy(verbuffer, "\"");
 152+ strcat(verbuffer,DXGLSTRVER);
 153+ strcat(verbuffer," r");
 154+ _itoa(revision,numstring,10);
 155+ strcat(verbuffer,numstring);
 156+ strcat(verbuffer,"\"");
 157+ strncpy(findptr,verbuffer,22);
 158+ }
 159+ else strncpy(findptr,"\"" DXGLSTRVER "\"\n",15);
 160+ }
 161+ fputs(buffer,fileout);
 162+ }
 163+ fclose(filein);
 164+ filein = NULL;
 165+ fclose(fileout);
 166+ fileout = NULL;
 167+ strncpy(pathin,path,FILENAME_MAX);
 168+ pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 169+ strncpy(pathout,path,FILENAME_MAX);
 170+ pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 171+ strncat(pathin,"\\version.nsh.in",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
 172+ pathin[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 173+ strncat(pathout,"\\version.nsh",FILENAME_MAX-strlen(pathin));
 174+ pathout[FILENAME_MAX] = 0;
 175+ filein = fopen(pathin,"r");
 176+ if(!filein)
 177+ {
 178+ fputs("ERROR: Cannot read file ", stdout);
 179+ puts(pathin);
 180+ return errno;
 181+ }
 182+ fileout = fopen(pathout,"w");
 183+ if(!fileout)
 184+ {
 185+ fputs("ERROR: Cannot create file ", stdout);
 186+ puts(pathin);
 187+ return errno;
 188+ }
 189+ while(fgets(buffer,1024,filein))
 190+ {
 191+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$PRODUCTVERSTRING");
 192+ if(findptr) strncpy(findptr,"\"" DXGLSTRVER "\"\n",15);
 193+ findptr = strstr(buffer,"$PRODUCTREVISION");
 194+ if(findptr)
 195+ {
 196+ if(revision)
 197+ {
 198+ strcpy(verbuffer,"\"");
 199+ _itoa(revision,numstring,10);
 200+ strcat(verbuffer,numstring);
 201+ strcat(verbuffer,"\"\n");
 202+ strncpy(findptr,verbuffer,17);
 203+ }
 204+ else strncpy(findptr,"\"\"\n",17);
 205+ }
 206+#ifdef _DEBUG
 207+ if(strstr(buffer,";!define _DEBUG")) strcpy(buffer,"!define _DEBUG");
 209+ fputs(buffer,fileout);
 210+ }
 211+ fclose(filein);
 212+ filein = NULL;
 213+ fclose(fileout);
 214+ fileout = NULL;
 215+ return 0;
 218+int MakeHelp(char *path)
 220+ HKEY hKey;
 221+ BOOL foundhhc = FALSE;
 222+ char hhcpath[(MAX_PATH+1)*2];
 223+ DWORD buffersize = MAX_PATH+1;
 225+ STARTUPINFOA startinfo;
 226+ if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\HTML Help Workshop", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
 227+ {
 228+ if(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"InstallDir",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)hhcpath,&buffersize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
 229+ {
 230+ strcat(hhcpath,"\\hhc.exe");
 231+ ZeroMemory(&startinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
 232+ startinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);
 233+ strcat(hhcpath," ");
 234+ strcat(hhcpath,path);
 235+ if(CreateProcessA(NULL,hhcpath,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&startinfo,&process))
 236+ {
 237+ foundhhc = TRUE;
 238+ WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess,INFINITE);
 239+ CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
 240+ CloseHandle(process.hThread);
 241+ }
 242+ }
 243+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
 244+ }
 245+ if(!foundhhc)
 246+ {
 247+ int result = MessageBoxA(NULL,"Could not find HTML Help Workshop, would you like to download it?","HTML Help Workshop not found",
 249+ if(result == IDYES) ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open", "http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21138"
 251+ puts("ERROR: HTML Help Compiler not found.");
 252+ return -1;
 253+ }
 254+ return 0;
 257+int MakeInstaller(char *path)
 259+ HKEY hKey;
 260+ BOOL foundnsis = FALSE;
 261+ char nsispath[(MAX_PATH+1)*2];
 262+ DWORD buffersize = MAX_PATH+1;
 264+ STARTUPINFOA startinfo;
 265+ if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\NSIS", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
 266+ {
 267+ if(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)nsispath,&buffersize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
 268+ {
 269+ strcat(nsispath,"\\makensis.exe");
 270+ ZeroMemory(&startinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOA));
 271+ startinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA);
 272+ strcat(nsispath," ");
 273+ strcat(nsispath,path);
 274+ if(CreateProcessA(NULL,nsispath,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&startinfo,&process))
 275+ {
 276+ foundnsis = TRUE;
 277+ WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess,INFINITE);
 278+ CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
 279+ CloseHandle(process.hThread);
 280+ }
 281+ }
 282+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
 283+ }
 284+ if(!foundnsis)
 285+ {
 286+ int result = MessageBoxA(NULL,"Could not find NSIS, would you like to download it?","NSIS not found",
 288+ if(result == IDYES) ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open","http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);
 289+ puts("ERROR: NSIS not found.");
 290+ return -1;
 291+ }
 292+ return 0;
 296+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 299+ fputs("DXGL Build Tool, version ", stdout);
 300+ puts(DXGLSTRVER);
 301+#ifdef _DEBUG
 302+ puts("Debug version.");
 304+ if(argc > 1)
 305+ {
 306+ if(!strcmp(argv[1],"makeheader"))
 307+ {
 308+ if(argc < 3)
 309+ {
 310+ puts("ERROR: No working directory specified.");
 311+ return 1;
 312+ }
 313+ return ProcessHeaders(argv[2]);
 314+ }
 315+ if(!strcmp(argv[1],"makehelp"))
 316+ {
 317+ if(argc < 3)
 318+ {
 319+ puts("ERROR: No working directory specified.");
 320+ return 1;
 321+ }
 322+ return MakeHelp(argv[2]);
 323+ }
 324+ if(!strcmp(argv[1],"makeinstaller"))
 325+ {
 326+ if(argc < 3)
 327+ {
 328+ puts("ERROR: No working directory specified.");
 329+ return 1;
 330+ }
 331+ return MakeInstaller(argv[2]);
 332+ }
 333+ }
 334+ else
 335+ {
 336+ }
 337+ return 0;
Index: buildtool/buildtool.vcxproj
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
166166 <ResourceCompile Include="buildtool.rc" />
167167 </ItemGroup>
168168 <ItemGroup>
169 - <ClCompile Include="buildtool.cpp" />
 169+ <ClCompile Include="buildtool.c" />
170170 </ItemGroup>
171171 <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
172172 <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
Index: buildtool/buildtool.vcxproj.filters
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
1616 </Filter>
1717 </ItemGroup>
1818 <ItemGroup>
19 - <ClCompile Include="buildtool.cpp">
20 - <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
21 - </ClCompile>
22 - </ItemGroup>
23 - <ItemGroup>
2419 <ResourceCompile Include="buildtool.rc">
2520 <Filter>Resource Files</Filter>
2621 </ResourceCompile>
@@ -29,4 +24,9 @@
3025 <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
3126 </ClInclude>
3227 </ItemGroup>
 28+ <ItemGroup>
 29+ <ClCompile Include="buildtool.c">
 30+ <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
 31+ </ClCompile>
 32+ </ItemGroup>
3333 </Project>
\ No newline at end of file